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Research & Innovation - Participant Portal - A project to join Coordinating beneficiary Project relating to nature preservation, children and youth, volunteering actions, raising awareness, etc. Pretraživanjem baze podataka možete pronaći partnere s istim projektnim idejama, potrebama ili željama.
Komunalac ensures the collection and disposal of municipal and non-hazardous waste in the city of Koprivnica and 8 suburban areas, as well as in few municipalities near Koprivnica. No experience in LIFE Programme; partner in the Civitas Dyn mo EU funded project, an initiative promoting sustainable mobility in 4 countries Project partners Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer, Expert Main aim of the project: to demonstrate the increased efficiency in waste prevention, re-use and recycling of a new model of waste management that makes use of modern infrastructure, data collection and analysis of demographic waste disposal habits in public areas and increased citizen accountability. Main partner in the project Posadi cvijet-pokaži svije s t — greening the old core in Šibenik; organizing workshops with lectures and practical part to educate people about importance of environmental sustainability. Project partners with experience in awareness raising and dissemination of information regarding greening and sustainable tourism in urban and suburban areas. Associated beneficiary, Co-financer, Expert Transformation of the industrial city centre into green Mediterranean oasis by educating people, planting Mediterranean plant species, monitoring air and water quality and making it altogether into a cycling and environmentally friendly urban area. Within the Division for genetics, forest tree breeding and seed husbandry, there are seed saving bank and seed bank that will according to the Forest reproductive material act provide seed reserves for the sustainable management of forests and conservation of the gene pool. Main partner in the project: Conservation of Genetic resources of Forest Trees in Light of Climate Changes ConForClim A project to join Coordinating partner, Expert Project dealing with a focus on climate change and adaptation and mitigation to climate changes which could include provenance trials and field experiments. It is opened for all people regardless of the origin, race or religion. All this, Association is achieving using the scout method. The association provides educational opportunities for children and young people in several areas such as life in nature and outdoors camping, hiking, sailing, sports… , citizenship and education for peace, sustainable development, solidarity and tolerance, performing arts and skills for life team work, conflict resolution, planning and management, critical thinking… The Association has over 3000 members and is one of the biggest youth organisation in Croatia. Scout Association of Croatia from its beginning works with children and young. Main filed of work is non-formal education and training throughout various activities. Scout Association of Croatia also has years of international cooperation and exchange of good practices and knowledge. We also encourage volunteering and taking responsibilities from an early age. Nature has a significant role in our work as we do many activities outdoor. Huge effort is done to learn children from an early age about importance of its preservation and living in harmony with it. A project to join Coordinating beneficiary Project relating to nature preservation, children and youth, volunteering actions, raising awareness, etc. The association was established with a goal of promoting and improving sustainable development and encouraging social innovations and entrepreneurship at the local, national and international level. The association was founded by experts and professionals who worked together in the United Nations Development Program for Energy, Environment and Innovation in Croatia following the withdrawal of UNDP from Croatia. The founders and members of the TERRA Hub association have substantive achievements from the past period of joint action within the UNDP team in Croatia. We have extensive experience with Intelligent Energy Europe and FP7 projects as well as with Global Environment Facility GEF funded projects. TERRA Hub has now been up and running for over 6 months. During that time it has, as an independent legal body, realised three main activities : 1 A crowdfunding academy for the SME sector in Ukraine client UNDP Ukraine where 12 crowdfunding campaigns for small business entrepreneurship projects were prepared through interactive education. The types of projects vary — from the development of electric cargo-bike or interactive scientific research games for children to the preservation of the tradition of carpets-waving or the construction of a low-energy home for refugees. A project to join Associated beneficiary, Expert A project that combines one or more of our key areas of expertise that are focused around social innovations such as crowdfunding and innovation challenges and sustainable and low carbon development. We would like to join a project dealing with increasing energy efficiency and independence on islands i. Development of the energy system and relations within require the acquisition of new knowledge and competences by all the actors in the energy sector and state administration, as well as the education of citizens. Some examples are Horizon 2020 projects: multEE, EPATEE, REEEM, Bioenergy4Business, Urban Learning, Biogas Action. Also included the dissemination of the projects results through communication with selected beneficiaries. Oikon is an independently operated privately owned company with the status of scientific institute at the Ministry of Science and Education. A partner for your project. Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer, Expert In development Name of organisation , country web Contact information Legal status LIFE priority areas of interest Key words Planetaris d. Our solutions are based on principles of reducing energy consumption, integrating renewable sources and alternative systems. Our goal is to increase comfort of living with a positive impact on the environment. Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer, Expert Building of new near zero energy buildings and energy efficient refurbishment of existing buildings. Name of organisation , country web Contact information Legal status LIFE priority areas of interest Key words ADIPA — Society for Research and Conservation of Croatian Natural Diversity Mr Roman Ozimec 00385 01 2983 941 00385 99 2132 576 Non-govermental organisation NGO Nature and Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Integrated projects Agriculture, agrobiodiversity, biodiversity, biospeleology, botany, climate change, ecology, education, mapping, mycology, nature protection, promotion, protistology, publishing, rural development, research, water ecology, zoology. One of our major goals is conservation of Croatian natural diversity through research, education and promotion. Our activities are focused on cooperation with different international, national, regional and local subjects who are responsible for nature conservation. This composite project includes five different activities: fieldwork and laboratory scientific and professional research, educational activities workshops and lectures , promotional and publishing activities. We organized these activities two times on the Adriatic island of Korčula and once in the special botanical reserve Đurđevački pijesci in Podravina region Northern Croatia. All our activities research and training programmes can be summarized as follows: 1. More than 50 other projects in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Biological and touristic monitoring in caves and terrestrial habitats in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Vjetrenica cave. Biodiversity research of aquatic and terrestrial epigean, hypogean and cave dwelling protozoan fauna, plants, terrestrial invertebrate and vertebrate fauna and mycobiota. Agrobiodiversity research and conservation on indigenous plant sorts and animal breeds. Continuous interdisciplinary biospeleological research. Mycobioindication case studies air pollutants, virgin forests, habitat quality assessment and conservation of fungi. A project to join. Associated beneficiary, Expert We would like to join the project dealing with biodiversity studies inventory, mapping, etc. Environmental studies, bioindication, climate change is also in our focus. Projects needing any of our expertise is welcomed to contact us. It operates in the following areas — Energy and environment and Energy and society, with the following strategic priorities: Transition to low carbon economy and Alleviating energy poverty. The funding was provided through the following programmes: Intelligent Energy Europe, Erasmus+, Horizon2020, Grundtvig, IPA and various national sources. A project to join. Associated beneficiary Reduce energy use and change habits. Name of organisation , country web Contact information Legal status LIFE priority areas of interest Key words Međimurska energetska agencija d. Maja Bratko +38540395559 Publicly owned Ltd. Agency establishment was initiated by County of Medjimurje and Regional development agency REDEA. MENEA was founded having in mind goal of promoting idea of sustainable development in accordance with actual needs in the area of the County of Medjimurje while promoting use of Renewable Energy Sources RES and Energy Efficiency EE , which is in line with strategic goal of the County promoting economic and social growth based on sustainable development and focused on innovation, knowledge transfer and preservation of natural and cultural heritage. MENEA was established through an EU funded project IEE , and had several successfully implemented projects since. All of the implemented projects that were funded by EU were so through Cross-border cooperation programme between Slovenia and Croatia IR-OVE, BIOREGIO, EUpeR. Currently, MENEA is implementing three EU funded projects. Two of them are funded through Interreg Central Europe programme — RURES and Dynamic Light. One of the EU funded project is being implemented with the financial help from Interreg Cross-border cooperation between Hungary and Croatia EE SUN. Together with a wide scope of different project partners, we are continuously applying new project ideas on various open calls of EU financing programmes. Apart from EU funded projects, MENEA has implemented several projects that were funded by national funds installation of renewable energy sources in private households, enhancement of energy efficiency in private households, development of several regional energy action plans, programmes and SEAPs, broadband infrastructure documentation preparation, integrated passenger transport documentation preparation…. We had a great role in completing the application and, after the project received the award, we are still helping the investor in implementation of activities and with communication to national and EU relevant bodies. A project to join. Associated beneficiary, Expert Any project that falls under our scope of work could be taken into consideration to join. We are especially interested in implementing innovative project ideas in our region and spreading the knowledge on the importance of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in order to slow down the climate changes. Name of organisation , country web Contact information Legal status LIFE priority areas of interest Key words Energetika marketing d. It covers a wide range of topics from the field of power industry, economy, ecology and ethics. So far we have published more than twenty technical books covering the area of power industry, heating, air conditioning and ventilation, gas engineering, renewable energy sources, installations etc. Another important field of our activity is technical conference organization. In May 2005 we have launched a unique Internet portal www. Over the past years we have been organizing and providing assistance in organization media sponsorship and alike of numerous technical presentations, seminars, workshops and alike for various clients companies, state administration bodies, institutions, professional associations. We have so far produced numerous booklets, leaflets, catalogues, brochures, manuals, professional and technical documentation etc. It has to be mentioned that during the development of these projects we have established a comprehensive database of more than 20 000 experts from Croatia and other countries active in all areas of our business activities. No experience in LIFE programe. We cooperated in several EU project as organisator of the presentations of the finale results. A project to join. Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary Projects dealing with problems of renewable energy, biogas, biomass management and implementation of new technologies and techniques. Our sensor projects have included work on stationary, mobile IoT and remote sensor integration. Additionally, we have experinece in linking sensor data to crisis and disaster management activities like crowd tasking, public alerting, community interaction, etc. A project to join. Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary Name of organisation , country web Contact information Legal status LIFE priority areas of interest Key words Dvokut-Ecro d. Croatia Ms Vesna Žarak +385 0 1 6114 867 Private institution — SME up to 250 employees Environment and Resource Efficiency, Nature and Biodiversity, Environmental Governance and Information, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Governance and Information, Integrated projects Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA and Environmental Impact Assessment EIA , water and sea protection, Waste Management documentation, environmental protection programs and action plans, Project design and environmental supervision during construction works, Environmental Monitoring, Feasibility Studies, CBA, Capacity building, training and education, Nature protection incl. NATURA2000 , Pollution prevention incl. It is a privately held company, originally established in 1991, and operating under its current name since 1995. Owing to the expertise of its employees and references, DVOKUT-ECRO Ltd. That same year, a licence to perform professional tasks of monitoring air quality and emissions into the air as well as other expert tasks related to environmental monitoring was obtained thanks to the modern air quality monitoring equipment, the Mobile Ecologic Laboratory. In the meantime, as the regulations changed, an opportunity to expand the range of services presented itself and consequently licenses to perform other professional activities were obtained — today DVOKUT-ECRO holds 25 different licenses for providing services in the area of environmental and nature protection. Additionally, the Company offers to its Clients preparation of Feasibility studies, Design documentation, due diligence audits and reports. Along with our own expert team, we have developed long-lasting relations with numerous other experts from the region and beyond. Numerous foreign consulting companies have recognized DVOKUT-ECRO Ltd. DVOKUT-ECRO, established in 1991. Our services include preparation of project application for EU funds, as well as project documentation for other financing bodies like the World Bank, EBRD and foreign Investors. Additionally, some of our employees are certified EU fund application managers with experience in EU fund consulting and in depth knowledge of EU funds and state aid regulations. A project to join. Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Co-financer, Expert Since we have a wide range of expertise and experience we believe we can contribute in project applications under sub-programme Environment as well as Climate Action. You can read more about our services and previous experience here: Name of organisation , country web Contact information Legal status LIFE priority areas of interest Key words Istarski vodovod d. The presentation will show the basic data about the water supply system, length of the water supply network, water tanks, pumping stations, installed capacities, connections, production and sale of water from the water supply sources of Sveti Ivan, Gradole, Butoniga reservoir and Bulaž. Participation in Project Networking for Drinking Water Supply in Adriatic region DRINKADRIA — Priority 2. Natural and cultural resources and risk prevention in IPA Adriatic CBC Programme. In project was involved 16 partners from 8 different countries. Budget was over 5. We applied on Interreg Central Europe and passed first two stages. Now we wait final decision. A project to join. Zelena energetska zadruga is a Croatian RES cooperative, social enterprise based in Zagreb, gathering 19 experts and currently employing 7 people. The cooperative members have vast experience in coordinating and working in innovative green energy initiatives, development projects, designing policy recommendations and carrying out educational activities. ZEZ is one of Board Members of REScoop. ZEZ is also a co-founding member of Cooperative for Ethical Financing. Since 2013, we have been putting our efforts to share community energy concept in our country and across borders. ZEZ relevant projects EU funded : 1. Good Energy in Social Entrepreneurship European Social Fund — 2017-2018 ZEZ role: Lead Partner 2. BIOMASUD Plus Horizon2020 Programme — 2016-2019 ZEZ role: WP Leader 3. RESCOOP Plus Horizon2020 Programme — 2016-2019 ZEZ role: local support implementation of good practice A project to join Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Expert.